084 901 4614

BABYBLURT is designed to support mothers in guiding their babies from the age of 3 month to 36 months to explore and understand their bodies through playful, sensory-rich activity classes. This approach promotes active learning for both mother and child, fostering a joyful, relaxed environment where moms can fully engage in the fun class. While it's commonly thought that we learn through our brains, we actually absorb knowledge primarily through our senses. From birth, a child is equipped with five senses and should be encouraged to explore them from the start. As babies take time to discover their surroundings, reaching developmental milestones is a vital and natural part of their journey toward realizing their full potential.


Developed & Compiled by Charlotte Gouws Endorced By Phycologist , Joalida Smit (B.SocSci(Hons),MA Clin Psy, Msc Paeds Neuro)

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